Welcome to a website about a side-project video game called Rescape.

Rescape is a text-based roguelike. The goal is to bridge the gap between the original Rogue and more “modern” and complex games like Nethack and Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. I am an on-again, off-again roguelike player and like many others I decided to write my own. I go into more detail on this here.

In short, this is a project I periodically work on whenever I get the urge. Someday I hope to reach a state where it is a playable and fun game. I made this website to chronicle its design and development and explain how I manage to hack together code that basically works, how I tackle super complicated problems like making the simplest pathfinding algorithms work, and other things along those lines. You’ll find those posts here.

Some notes on the game

  • Rescape is an ascii roguelike written in Go
  • The initial idea for Rescape was “Nethack, but without the kitchen sink” - meaning a turn based dungeon crawler without all of the spoilers and secrets, and that doesn’t take several days and a wiki to finish
  • As of this writing Rescape is far from finished (or fully designed)
  • I am not a professional software developer and probably do not write good and efficient code
  • Use of external libraries and other people’s code is kept to a minimum. Currently the only external package is used for i/o (tcell). This is similar to the curses library.

Source Code

The source code is not yet committed, but I’ve created a public GitHub repository here: https://github.com/chadpierce/rescape

The original Rust POC code is available here: https://github.com/chadpierce/rescape-rust

note: The Rust code no longer appears to compile. 
  I'd like to fix this and get it working to see
  the state it was in when I stopped working on it.
  I'll then write a post on my experience learning
  and writing that version of the code.